
後海 China Bar

(8) Wine bar
Address: 3F, 3-7 Souemoncho, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0084, Japan
Hours: Closes soon ⋅ 2 AM ⋅ Reopens 8 PM
Phone: +81 80-5632-3056
後海 China Bar from www.visitourchina.com
Chinese name: 后海酒吧街 (Houhai Jiuba Jie). Location: Xicheng District, Beijing City. Ticket: free to enter the street. Opening time: the bars there ...
後海 China Bar from hk.trip.com
後海酒吧一條街 ... 后海酒吧一條街是以個性、藝術和文化為主題的夜生活聚集地。沒有嘈雜的音樂只有悠揚的歌聲。文化氛圍濃郁,歷史韻味獨特。交通便利,地鐵2、6號線均可 ...
Tropical plants, large rattan chairs and a standard-issue chill out soundtrack make you feel like you've landed in Ibiza or French Colonial Vietnam, ...
後海 China Bar from english.visitbeijing.com.cn
Houhai (Chinese:后海; pinyin: hòuhǎi 'Rear Lake') is a lake and its surrounding neighborhood in Xicheng District of central Beijing, China. ... bar luxurious, it ...
曾為皇室的私人遊樂場,胡同街區的許多傳統住宅已經改建為餐館、酒吧、和咖啡廳。后海是北京三大湖中最大的湖,是不論白天黑夜都適合活動的地方。在溫暖的月份,帶上幾個 ...
後海 China Bar from www.travelking.com.tw
後海酒吧街位於北京市中軸線附近,是北京著名的酒吧聚集地,是什剎海的三分之一處,另外還有前海和西海;後海酒吧街興起於西元2003年左右,漸漸地聚席許多酒吧等西方文化, ...